Ryan Gagliano
2005-01-02 02:48:02 UTC
Hello. I am curious if anyone knows how beneficial a DBA certification is
for an individual. Come March of this year, I will be laid off due to a sale
of my current division and will need to start looking for another job fairly
soon (there is a retention bonus that I cannot pass up so I am staying until
March). I have been looking for a job in the New York/New Jersey area,
although I have only been browsing and not doing any hard pushing as of now.
I have not seen many jobs that require a DBA certification but do you think
this would help? I am sure it would but to what extent is my question?
The problem is I only have 2 years of experience with a mortgage company
doing tasks that a typical Data Analyst and Database Administrator perform,
although I have a System Administrator title. I even saved the company
$100,000 last year alone by discovering a glitch while doing some analysis
that several people before me did not notice; this alone nearly gains the
company $1 million over the life of these loans. I know this is something
exceptional but I do not have this on my resume and don't even know if it
should be on my resume.
I even asked to have my title changed and my boss agreed but the President
said no. The other problem is I currently live in the South and worry that
employees will hold this against me. Come April, I do have a friend who I
will live with in New York and plan to use his address on my resume to
hopefully help me with this issue. I have only heard back from 2 jobs in the
New York area and applied to numerous positions. I know that I am a hard
worker and a very quick learner but these days everyone claims to have these
qualities. The way I see it, you either have it or you don't.
So I am writing to see if I should spend the money to become certified.
Being that I only have a System Administrator title and 2 years of
experience, I figured this could potentially help me, although I am not
sure. Has anyone been hired strictly because they are a DBA? I know this
does not guarantee me a job but would it help my chances? Is it worth it?
In the same sense, I am only 9 credit hours away from being qualified to
take the CPA exam. I am sure this would be a much better
qualification..although I do not want to sit out of work while working for
Is there anything else I can do to help my chances?
I would appreciate any advice or criticism from anyone!
Thank You,
for an individual. Come March of this year, I will be laid off due to a sale
of my current division and will need to start looking for another job fairly
soon (there is a retention bonus that I cannot pass up so I am staying until
March). I have been looking for a job in the New York/New Jersey area,
although I have only been browsing and not doing any hard pushing as of now.
I have not seen many jobs that require a DBA certification but do you think
this would help? I am sure it would but to what extent is my question?
The problem is I only have 2 years of experience with a mortgage company
doing tasks that a typical Data Analyst and Database Administrator perform,
although I have a System Administrator title. I even saved the company
$100,000 last year alone by discovering a glitch while doing some analysis
that several people before me did not notice; this alone nearly gains the
company $1 million over the life of these loans. I know this is something
exceptional but I do not have this on my resume and don't even know if it
should be on my resume.
I even asked to have my title changed and my boss agreed but the President
said no. The other problem is I currently live in the South and worry that
employees will hold this against me. Come April, I do have a friend who I
will live with in New York and plan to use his address on my resume to
hopefully help me with this issue. I have only heard back from 2 jobs in the
New York area and applied to numerous positions. I know that I am a hard
worker and a very quick learner but these days everyone claims to have these
qualities. The way I see it, you either have it or you don't.
So I am writing to see if I should spend the money to become certified.
Being that I only have a System Administrator title and 2 years of
experience, I figured this could potentially help me, although I am not
sure. Has anyone been hired strictly because they are a DBA? I know this
does not guarantee me a job but would it help my chances? Is it worth it?
In the same sense, I am only 9 credit hours away from being qualified to
take the CPA exam. I am sure this would be a much better
qualification..although I do not want to sit out of work while working for
Is there anything else I can do to help my chances?
I would appreciate any advice or criticism from anyone!
Thank You,