Break into the Computer Industry - Get Hired Now
(too old to reply)
2005-07-12 03:54:40 UTC
Do you want to break into the fast moving computer industry or do you
simply want to move to a job with more benefits and better security?
Well, FindJobEasy.com is the solution to all your employment woes. With
this simple, yet powerful website, you will be able to access more
employment opportunities in the exciting world of computing and
electronics that you thought imaginable. So, do yourself a favor and go
to FindJobEasy.com now.
DA Morgan
2005-07-16 03:31:39 UTC
Post by F***@gmail.com
Do you want to break into the fast moving computer industry or do you
simply want to move to a job with more benefits and better security?
Well, FindJobEasy.com is the solution to all your employment woes. With
this simple, yet powerful website, you will be able to access more
employment opportunities in the exciting world of computing and
electronics that you thought imaginable. So, do yourself a favor and go
to FindJobEasy.com now.
Apparently some people are capable of taking a perfectly legitimate
profession and turning into something the looks like a scam, smells
like a scam, a tastes like a scam.

Shouldn't you be selling life insurance, funeral plots, or used cars?
Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
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