OMLET: Get Intimate with Oracle Internals
(too old to reply)
2005-02-27 13:47:01 UTC
Dear Oracle User,

Announcing OMLET Professional Edition: the ultimate way to monitor
Oracle server from anywhere; check out our celluar edition! and win a
trip to India.

24x7 frontline breaking news
DA Morgan
2005-02-27 17:38:37 UTC
Post by t***@yahoo.com
Dear Oracle User,
Announcing SPAMLET Professional Edition: the ultimate way to monitor
Oracle server from anywhere; check out our celluar edition! and win a
trip to India.
24x7 frontline breaking news
Get back to your home country by working on a freighter or appealing to
your embassy to take pitty on your pathetic soul.
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
2005-02-27 21:32:13 UTC
Post by DA Morgan
Get back to your home country by working on a freighter or appealing to
your embassy to take pitty on your pathetic soul.
Why, is this fellow threatening your job?

Bloody racist.
2005-02-27 22:07:41 UTC
Post by DA Morgan
Get back to your home country by working on a freighter or appealing to
your embassy to take pitty on your pathetic soul.
One more thing I should add in reference to your racist comment:

Since you are representing the University of Washington by attaching your
credentials/place of employment to your posts, I'm going to forward this
post to the head of your department and the president's office. I'm sure
they will be interested to know that a representative of their school is
making comments with such racist implications.

Expect a good pee-pee slapping in the morning.
2005-02-28 07:33:52 UTC
Since you usually post asking people to apologize, you should do the
same and apologize for your racist comment.

Not all the world is USA.


Post by DA Morgan
Post by t***@yahoo.com
Dear Oracle User,
Announcing SPAMLET Professional Edition: the ultimate way to monitor
Oracle server from anywhere; check out our celluar edition! and win a
trip to India.
24x7 frontline breaking news
Get back to your home country by working on a freighter or appealing to
your embassy to take pitty on your pathetic soul.
DA Morgan
2005-02-28 15:13:37 UTC
Post by Carlos
Since you usually post asking people to apologize, you should do the
same and apologize for your racist comment.
Not all the world is USA.
If SPAM has a racial profile I plead guilty. I am prejudice against
spammers. All of them. Red ones, white ones, green ones, purple ones,
yellow ones, all of them. They are the scum of the earth and deserve
to be publicly humiliated and abused. Oh and their children are both
stupid and ugly.

This is NOT about race Carlos ... it is about SPAM! Get it? If you
missed my criticism of Oracle Corp. when it spammed us try looking
it up at google. I will NEVER ... EVER ... apologize for going after
a spammer.

But thank you for asking. ;-)
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
2005-02-28 17:21:26 UTC
Post by DA Morgan
Post by Carlos
Since you usually post asking people to apologize, you should do the
same and apologize for your racist comment.
Not all the world is USA.
If SPAM has a racial profile I plead guilty. I am prejudice against
spammers. All of them. Red ones, white ones, green ones, purple ones,
yellow ones, all of them. They are the scum of the earth and deserve
to be publicly humiliated and abused. Oh and their children are both
stupid and ugly.
This is NOT about race Carlos ... it is about SPAM! Get it? If you
missed my criticism of Oracle Corp. when it spammed us try looking
it up at google. I will NEVER ... EVER ... apologize for going after
a spammer.
But thank you for asking. ;-)
Did you tell Oracle to go back home on the boat? No, you implied with this
comment that you are prejudiced against immigrants and foreigners.

Nice try though.
2005-03-01 08:08:14 UTC
Post by DA Morgan
Post by Carlos
Since you usually post asking people to apologize, you should do the
same and apologize for your racist comment.
Not all the world is USA.
If SPAM has a racial profile I plead guilty. I am prejudice against
spammers. All of them. Red ones, white ones, green ones, purple ones,
yellow ones, all of them. They are the scum of the earth and deserve
to be publicly humiliated and abused. Oh and their children are both
stupid and ugly.
This is NOT about race Carlos ... it is about SPAM! Get it? If you
missed my criticism of Oracle Corp. when it spammed us try looking
it up at google. I will NEVER ... EVER ... apologize for going after
a spammer.
But thank you for asking. ;-)
Post by Carlos
Oh and their children are both stupid and ugly.
I hope you are joking.
Post by DA Morgan
Post by Carlos
I will NEVER ... EVER ... apologize for going after a spammer.
It is not a matter of WHAT (going after a spammer), but a matter of
HOW (you do it).
Show us that the 'edu' in your address stands for 'education'.


DA Morgan
2005-03-01 16:31:59 UTC
Post by Carlos
Post by Carlos
Oh and their children are both stupid and ugly.
I hope you are joking.
No it is absolutely true. Clinical research performed at the Karolinska
Institute in Sweden has conclusively proven that spammers have children
that are both stupid and ugly. ;-)
Post by Carlos
Post by Carlos
I will NEVER ... EVER ... apologize for going after a spammer.
It is not a matter of WHAT (going after a spammer), but a matter of
HOW (you do it).
Show us that the 'edu' in your address stands for 'education'.
I do with almost every post. Any time you doubt the .edu stands for
education feel free to go to http://www.psoug.org. Five free days of
donating my time to the public for no-charge education day events
with Oracle just in the next month. Then click on the link to Morgan's
Library. All written solely for the purpose of education and made
available to the public for free.

I look forward to your frequent educational contributions to the
community too.
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)