Mark Bole
2005-05-27 19:38:23 UTC
I've been lurking here for a while and have some questions.
Does anyone use this newsgroup ( for
anything besides a few geographically limited (U.S. East Coast) job
postings? There are so many dedicated job search web sites these days,
I wonder whether this is really an effective place for them (not that I
object to the posts, of course).
I saw an item or two here earlier this year from Daniel Morgan about
Oracle RAC and Apple server hardware, but there were very few follow-ups
-- almost as if it were a waste of time to post here.
Many of the regular contributors to other c.d.o.* groups sell various
services and products, yet they do not post about them here -- I wonder
why not? Does anyone know of any comp.* Usenet groups that have
successfully isolated commercial announcements and other promotions to a
single group without it devolving into a lightly-trafficked, poor man's
job board?
Here's what turned up in a search for comp.*.marketplace limited to the
current calendar year -- looks mostly like a poor man's EBay.*.marketplace&start=20&num=10&hl=en&lr=&as_drrb=b&as_mind=1&as_minm=1&as_miny=2005&as_maxd=27&as_maxm=5&as_maxy=2005&safe=off&
According to Google groups archive listing, this group had ten to twenty
times the volume of traffic ten years ago, when the charter for c.d.o.*
was first established... what happened? (Other than the dot-com job
bust, of course).
If this group was renamed to, would anything
about it change, for better or worse?
Related, I see there was a Usenet call for vote about posting the
charter periodically back in early 2004, but I can't find the results of
the vote (it appears from the absence of any such regular posting that
the result was "no", I'm not sure why...any history that anyone cares to
-Mark Bole
Does anyone use this newsgroup ( for
anything besides a few geographically limited (U.S. East Coast) job
postings? There are so many dedicated job search web sites these days,
I wonder whether this is really an effective place for them (not that I
object to the posts, of course).
I saw an item or two here earlier this year from Daniel Morgan about
Oracle RAC and Apple server hardware, but there were very few follow-ups
-- almost as if it were a waste of time to post here.
Many of the regular contributors to other c.d.o.* groups sell various
services and products, yet they do not post about them here -- I wonder
why not? Does anyone know of any comp.* Usenet groups that have
successfully isolated commercial announcements and other promotions to a
single group without it devolving into a lightly-trafficked, poor man's
job board?
Here's what turned up in a search for comp.*.marketplace limited to the
current calendar year -- looks mostly like a poor man's EBay.*.marketplace&start=20&num=10&hl=en&lr=&as_drrb=b&as_mind=1&as_minm=1&as_miny=2005&as_maxd=27&as_maxm=5&as_maxy=2005&safe=off&
According to Google groups archive listing, this group had ten to twenty
times the volume of traffic ten years ago, when the charter for c.d.o.*
was first established... what happened? (Other than the dot-com job
bust, of course).
If this group was renamed to, would anything
about it change, for better or worse?
Related, I see there was a Usenet call for vote about posting the
charter periodically back in early 2004, but I can't find the results of
the vote (it appears from the absence of any such regular posting that
the result was "no", I'm not sure why...any history that anyone cares to
-Mark Bole