2007-09-23 21:22:10 UTC
LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) September 18, 2007 - The Encryption Wizard, now
released for Oracle 11g databases, offers cost-effective transparent
data encryption for security.
RDC, Inc. announced today that their flagship security software
offering, the Encryption Wizard for Oracle, is now available for the
new Oracle 11g database. The Encryption Wizard is the first
transparent data encryption tool designed for the Oracle RDBMS and
affords users point-and-click encryption of sensitive corporate data
to guard against data-theft.
Large Fortune 500 companies like Avis Budget Group, seeking compliance
management with Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), have successfully employed the
Encryption Wizard on mission-critical production systems. "With our
new release for Oracle 11g," RDC marketing director Don Parret says,
"users now have a stable upgrade path for years to come."
Aside from compliance issues, the Encryption Wizard for Oracle also
shields business and public sector entities from the inherent costs of
a security breach. In a study for the University of Hartford, it was
calculated that a successful hacker would cost the institution six
million dollars, simply by plucking social security numbers from their
Oracle databases.|
"Transparent encryption, good performance, and low cost make the
Encryption Wizard a winner," declares David Demabey, who headed up the
University's project to encrypt their relational data. "Performance
for the Encryption Wizard is outstanding, and it is the product I
would recommend to anyone for purchase."
The future of database security is encryption. By rendering data
useless to a hacker through AES and DES cryptography, Encryption
Wizard clients like Avis and University of Hartford avoid the
catastrophic costs of doing nothing until it is too late.
released for Oracle 11g databases, offers cost-effective transparent
data encryption for security.
RDC, Inc. announced today that their flagship security software
offering, the Encryption Wizard for Oracle, is now available for the
new Oracle 11g database. The Encryption Wizard is the first
transparent data encryption tool designed for the Oracle RDBMS and
affords users point-and-click encryption of sensitive corporate data
to guard against data-theft.
Large Fortune 500 companies like Avis Budget Group, seeking compliance
management with Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), have successfully employed the
Encryption Wizard on mission-critical production systems. "With our
new release for Oracle 11g," RDC marketing director Don Parret says,
"users now have a stable upgrade path for years to come."
Aside from compliance issues, the Encryption Wizard for Oracle also
shields business and public sector entities from the inherent costs of
a security breach. In a study for the University of Hartford, it was
calculated that a successful hacker would cost the institution six
million dollars, simply by plucking social security numbers from their
Oracle databases.|
"Transparent encryption, good performance, and low cost make the
Encryption Wizard a winner," declares David Demabey, who headed up the
University's project to encrypt their relational data. "Performance
for the Encryption Wizard is outstanding, and it is the product I
would recommend to anyone for purchase."
The future of database security is encryption. By rendering data
useless to a hacker through AES and DES cryptography, Encryption
Wizard clients like Avis and University of Hartford avoid the
catastrophic costs of doing nothing until it is too late.