help with database research topics
(too old to reply)
database student
2004-11-18 19:26:44 UTC

I am a database Ph.D. student who is currently looking for research
topics for my thesis. I am very interested in identifying and solving
real problems faced by database users. Unfortunately, due to
environmental constraints, I don't have much chance to interact with
real world database users. Would any of you kindly let me know some
real problems you are facing based on your experience of using
databases? Any suggestion for potential research topics is greatly

Thanks a lot.
Galen Boyer
2004-11-18 20:59:10 UTC
Post by database student
I am a database Ph.D. student who is currently looking for
research topics for my thesis. I am very interested in
identifying and solving real problems faced by database
users. Unfortunately, due to environmental constraints, I don't
have much chance to interact with real world database
users. Would any of you kindly let me know some real problems
you are facing based on your experience of using databases? Any
suggestion for potential research topics is greatly
Yes, how to make sure we can keep our jobs without having to
learn anything new.
Galen Boyer
Mark D Powell
2004-11-19 01:46:20 UTC
Post by database student
I am a database Ph.D. student who is currently looking for research
topics for my thesis. I am very interested in identifying and solving
real problems faced by database users. Unfortunately, due to
environmental constraints, I don't have much chance to interact with
real world database users. Would any of you kindly let me know some
real problems you are facing based on your experience of using
databases? Any suggestion for potential research topics is greatly
Thanks a lot.
In my experience the average end customer only interacts with a
database manager via provided applications or adhoc query tools.

The "average" database user is actually a developer or DBA.

A big problem in the end-user community that occurs over and over is
lack of proper user training on new software packages: Lawson, People
Soft, SAP, etc... before the users are expected to use the package to
perform their daily work.

Good luck with the piled higher and deeper.
-- Mark D Powell --
2004-11-19 09:03:07 UTC
Something you could really chew on is the 'grand unifying theory' to
combine the OO, Relational and hierarchical model. Many have tried, but
to my knowledge failed.
Also check comp.databases.theory

Paul Drake
2004-11-19 17:09:23 UTC
Post by database student
I am a database Ph.D. student who is currently looking for research
topics for my thesis. I am very interested in identifying and solving
real problems faced by database users. Unfortunately, due to
environmental constraints, I don't have much chance to interact with
real world database users. Would any of you kindly let me know some
real problems you are facing based on your experience of using
databases? Any suggestion for potential research topics is greatly
Thanks a lot.
Here's one:

making OpenLDAP work for names resolution and user authentication in
Oracle Standard Edition, ideally across an ssh tunnel between servers
leveraging hardware acceleration in the NICs.

Joel Garry
2004-11-19 21:22:04 UTC
Post by database student
I am a database Ph.D. student who is currently looking for research
topics for my thesis. I am very interested in identifying and solving
real problems faced by database users. Unfortunately, due to
environmental constraints, I don't have much chance to interact with
real world database users. Would any of you kindly let me know some
real problems you are facing based on your experience of using
databases? Any suggestion for potential research topics is greatly
Thanks a lot.
Solve this argument:


Oh, and don't crosspost:

@home.com is bogus. http://publicdocs.medbd.ca.gov/pdl/
"The raw accusations are quite inflammatory and not representative of
the actual issues for which the physician may ultimately be
disciplined. It's highly inappropriate to release them on the
Internet." - Dr. Robert Hertzka
DA Morgan
2004-11-20 00:47:00 UTC
Post by Joel Garry
Come on Joel ... I already did ... didn't you read what I wrote?
Why waste the guy's time ;-)
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
Joel Garry
2004-11-22 18:40:47 UTC
Post by DA Morgan
Post by Joel Garry
Come on Joel ... I already did ... didn't you read what I wrote?
Why waste the guy's time ;-)
You gave the correct answer, but did not solve the argument -
otherwise, there wouldn't be all these "new" database monitoring tools
written exclusively in java! :)

The OP is looking for a thesis, I think a whole industry ignoring the
correct answer is an interesting topic. Someone could make a whole
career out of such things... (omigosh look at the quote of the week,
http://www.dbdebunk.com/page/page/606457.htm )

@home.com is bogus.
"Don't understand this stuff at all." - Chris Date
DA Morgan
2004-11-23 03:04:12 UTC
Post by Joel Garry
Post by DA Morgan
Post by Joel Garry
Come on Joel ... I already did ... didn't you read what I wrote?
Why waste the guy's time ;-)
You gave the correct answer, but did not solve the argument -
otherwise, there wouldn't be all these "new" database monitoring tools
written exclusively in java! :)
The OP is looking for a thesis, I think a whole industry ignoring the
correct answer is an interesting topic. Someone could make a whole
career out of such things... (omigosh look at the quote of the week,
http://www.dbdebunk.com/page/page/606457.htm )
@home.com is bogus.
"Don't understand this stuff at all." - Chris Date
This is 2004. It seems nothing ever solves an argument any more.
And we have a planet full of people that prove it each and every
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
DA Morgan
2004-11-19 23:19:28 UTC
Post by database student
I am a database Ph.D. student who is currently looking for research
topics for my thesis. I am very interested in identifying and solving
real problems faced by database users. Unfortunately, due to
environmental constraints, I don't have much chance to interact with
real world database users. Would any of you kindly let me know some
real problems you are facing based on your experience of using
databases? Any suggestion for potential research topics is greatly
Thanks a lot.
If you are truly a PhD student then I would be fascinated to know why
your email address doesn't end with .edu.

That said ... if you can provide proper credentials you can contact me.
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)